82nd International Inferno Races
21 - 24 January 2026
Online registration Inferno races 2026
The online registration for the Inferno Races will be open from 1 June 2025. Closing date for entries is 15 September 2025. The Inferno races are open to male and female competitors with a good standard of skiing and born in or before 2008.
Those responsible for their teams must first register all their team members information and then enter for the race. The entered data will be retained for the following years.
Registrations as individual starters are possible. A team name must also be chosen and the individual entrant is also the team captain.
The number of participants for the downhill race is limited to 1850 and for the combination to 500. Subject to timely registration, all participants who have achieved an inferno bronze award or higher during the last 3 carried out downhill races (see regulation point 20) will receive a starting place. All other registrations will be drawn after the registration deadline until the limit is reached.
The team captain confirms that he and his team members took note of the Inferno regulations. When participating in the Inferno races, racers fully accept the Inferno regulations and additional information.
Team captains will receive a confirmation by end of September/beginning of October 2025, as to which applicants have been accepted. Entry fees should only be paid after receiving official confirmation of a starting place.
Check registration status!
Please check 24 hours after registration whether all your team members are on the registration list (link follows)
Online registration:
For the transfer of starting places (replacement) a fee of CHF 25.00 will be charged after the start number allocation. Changes are possible up until Thursday, 22 January 2026, 5.30 pm.
Once start numbers have been allocated to racers, they cannot be swapped between team members!
Please note that any participant starting under a false name will be disqualified.
The team captain must inform all team members about the need to return the transponder (timing chips) which is handed out with the start number, and is ultimately responsible for their return. Charge for missing transponders CHF 100.00.