82nd International Inferno Races
21 - 24 January 2026
Once a competitor has received written confirmation to compete in the Inferno races, accommodation can be booked directly with the provider of choice. Information and assistance is available from the Tourist Information Offices
Mürren Tel. +41 (0)33 856 86 86 / and
Lauterbrunnen Tel. +41 (0)33 856 856 8 /
Reaching the downhill start
On the day of the downhill race, competitors will be allowed one trip from Birg to the Schilthorn by aerial cableway.
This is only possible with a clearly visible start number an a valid transport pass. Please check the internet and information boards in the race office and the cable car and train stations regarding travel times. Start numbers can only travel from Birg to Schilthorn during specific times.
Clothing return transport downhill race
A return transport of clothes from the Birg intermediate station to the finish of the downhill race is offered by the organization. No liability is accepted for the items handed in.
Appeals may be lodged as soon as possible but not later than 15 minutes after the last competitor has crosed the finish line. Any appeal must be lodged in writing on the official protest form, available from race administrators at the finish line, and accompanied by a deposit of CHF 100.00.
Int. Inferno-Skirennen, Postfach 65, CH-3825 Mürren
Tel. +41 (0)33 856 86 80, Fax +41 (0)33 856 86 96
Email: info(at)
Lost property
Property found on the course, at the start or finish area can be claimed from either the race office in Mürren ort the Tourist Information Office in Mürren, Tel. +41 (0)33 856 86 86.
Parking Stechelberg / Lauterbrunnen
Parking in the valley can be found in Stechelberg at the station of the Schilthorn aerial cableway or in Lauterbrunnen at the car park next to the train station or near to the church.
Please do not use private parking spaces unless you have permission. Illegally parked vehicles will be towed to a public car park at the owners's expense.
Transport connections to Mürren after 6.30 pm | ||||
from Lauterbrunnen | 18.38 | 19.08 | 19.38 | 20.35 |
from Stechelberg | 18.55 | 19.25 | 19.55 | 20.55 |
21.55 | 22.55 | 23.45 | 00.45* | |
* only on fr/sat and sat/sun nights | ||||
without liability |