82nd International Inferno Races
21 - 24 January 2026

valid from
June 2024

1.The Inferno Race was founded by the Kandahar Ski Club in 1928, and is now organized by the Inferno Association. The Inferno Committee is responsible for any amendments to these regulations.
2.The Inferno Downhill is an Alpine Ski Race over a course between the Schilthorn and Lauterbrunnen. It includes not only downhill sections but also uphill and flat sections.
The Inferno Super Combination consists of a cross-country, a giant slalom and a downhill.
3.Anyone who reaches the age of 18 in the year of the race is eligible to participate. The route of the Inferno descent has black graded slopes, so a good standard of skiing is a prerequisite for participation.
4.Skiers fully accept the Inferno regulations and additional information when participating in the Inferno races. Participants should be aware of the fact that the Inferno races are organised under their own rules and regulations, and can be run on a partly unprepared piste. Each competitor is responsible for their own accident insurance. Participants assume sole responsibility for their skiing and release the organizer from any liability. The person registering the team is obliged to inform his team members about the regulations.
5.Competitors who take off their skis to get to the start of the downhill race will be disqualified.
6.A ski helmet must be worn from the start to finish for both the Inferno downhill and giant slalom. The helmet must conform to the European Standard CE 1077 (aka EN 1077). Helmets for climbing, ice hockey, mountain biking etc will not be permitted. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
7.The waving of a yellow flag by a race official indicates that competitors should take extra care and follow any instructions given. Participants are reminded that several competitors will be skiing on the course at any one time. They should therefore adapt their skiing accordingly. The 10 FIS rules of conduct must be observed at all times.
8.All competitors are required to pass through the following gates: 1-3 Starthang, 4-5 Engetal, 6 Obere Hübel, 7-9 Bietenhorn, 10-12 Muttlerenhorn, 13 Einfahrt Blattwang, 14 Höhenlücke, 15-16 Chännelegg, 17-18 Winteregg, 19 Sprissenkehr, 20 Reservoir, 21-22 Ziel Lauterbrunnen.
The organizers reserve the right to install additional gates, depending on snow/piste/weather conditions. Any competitor missing a gate will be disqualified.
9.Competitors are not permitted to cross or make use of railway lines (with the sole exception of the Winteregg crossing) or to use technical means of transportation. Competitors must observe all safety barriers.
From Staubbachbrücke (below Winteregg/forest entrance) competitors must follow the narrow forest piste.
10.Competitors are permitted to replace any defective equipment or to finish the race on one ski. However two skis must be worn on all uphill sections of the course, unless one ski has been inadvertently lost.
11.Any competitor retiring during the race must inform the organisers at the next control post and return the timing chip (transponder).
12.In the event of unfavourable conditions, the organizers alone reserve the right to shorten or to cancel the race. Notices will be displayed accordingly at the race offices, the tourist office in Mürren, the transport stations and online.
13.The number of participants for the downhill race is limited to 1850 and for the combination to 500. Subject to timely registration, all participants who have achieved an Inferno bronze award or higher during the last 3 carried out downhill races (see point 20) will receive a starting place. All other registrations will be drawn after the registration deadline (September 15th) until the limit is reached. Those responsible for their team will be informed about the success of theirs applications by the end of September/beginning of October.
14.The starting numbers for the individual disciplines will be allocated as far as possible on the basis of the best result achieved in the last three events. The organizers cannot guarantee a competitor a place in the starting list in accordance with skiing ability. New participants will be allocated at the end of the start list. In the downhill, competitors with the last (highest) 100 numbers will be the first to start. Information about the distribution of start numbers can be found on the official website.
15.For the transfer of starting places (replacement) a fee of CHF 25.00 will be charged after the start number allocation. Changes are possible up until Thursday evening before the downhill race.
Start numbers cannot be exchanged with other racers, who already possess a start number. Starting under a false name will result in disqualification.
16.After the term of payment the entry fee will not be refunded in case of non-participation or in the event of the race being cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the organizers. Excluded is a refund minus a administration fee of 25.00 against a medical certificate in case of illness or accident.
17.Appeals may be lodged as soon as possible but not later than 15 minutes after the last competitor has crossed the finish line. Any appeal must be lodged in writing on the official protest form, available from race administrators at the finish line, and accompanied by a deposit of CHF 100.00.
18.All participants receive a personal transponder (chip) for the timekeeping with their start number, which must be attached directly above the ski boot.
The team captain must inform all team members about the need to return the transponders and is ultimately responsible for their return. The transponders must be handed over to the officials in the finish area. Participants who do not pass the finish line must return the transponder to a course official or in the race office Mürren at the latest on Saturday evening.
Loss or failure to return the transponders will result in a CHF 100.00 invoice per transponder.
19.The Inferno Race is divided up into seven categories: Female I, Female II, Ladies, Male Main Category, Male Senior Class I, Male Senior Class II and Gentlemen.
20.The Inferno badges for the downhill are awarded to the competitors as follows:
Gold: Category winner = 9 points
Silver: Category winner time + 30% = 3 points (up to 1996
2 points)
Bronze: Category winner time + 60% = 1 point
The badge must be collected from the race office within one year upon presentation of the diploma, thereafter, the right expires. The diploma is printed on the ranking of Datasport itself. Before 2019, this was sent to the team captain.

Diamond: 12 completed races plus a minimum of 20 points
The application must be registered at the Mürren race office. For double and triple diamonds at least 14 days before the diamond ceremony (Friday Inferno Week).

Additional badges:
3x Bronze = Silver, 3 x Silver or 9 x Bronze = Gold (no additional points will be awarded).
The badge will only issued upon presentation of the diploma.
21.With regard to data protection, we act in accordance with the DSG/DSV of Switzerland, Sept. 2023. We commission Datasport AG for data management and data processing. The data protection declaration and the terms of contract and use of Datasport AG (https://www.datasport.com/en/privacy-statement/) apply. By registering, participants consent to the publication of their surname, first name, year of birth, place of residence, start number, competition time and rank in the start and ranking lists of the event. This consent applies to the publication on the internet, in print media, on TV as well as for the posting of lists and the speaker announcements. The photos and film recordings made in connection with our event may be used without any claims to remuneration, insofar as this is done in connection with the contested INFERNO event. The personal data of the participants may be used for marketing purposes, but may not be passed on to third parties. The names, photos and ranks of the winners will remain on our website in the archive for an unlimited period of time. If you do not agree to this use of your personal data, please inform us in writing at info@inferno-muerren.ch.
22.Any competitor not complying with these regulations will be disqualified.
23.The organizers decline all responsibilities for athletes and any third parties. Disputes/Discrepancies will be settled under Swiss law in a court of law in Interlaken or Thun.

Mürren, Juni 2024